1 Introduction
BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes provides a framework for a narrative BattleTech league with simplified logistics. Players take the role of a commander leading a combined arms force searching the Outworlds Wastes for LosTech and glory. Completing objectives in scenarios earns C-bills that commanders use to maintain and upgrade their force. Commanders play scenarios in multiple formats, such as BattleTech and Alpha Strike. This framework can be modified to meet the goals of the organizers and players.
- Foster a friendly and welcoming environment
- Create personalized lore for your BattleTech forces
- Track the struggles and accomplishments of these forces
- Explore BattleTech lore, equipment, and rules
This website covers background information, player rules, league organizer information, event rules, and reference material.
To start with smaller scale event play, where each commander controls a mixed combined arms lance, read the Event Play rules. Sample scenarios are available as downloads and the Event Play rules include instructions on creating additional scenarios.
For League Play where each commander controls a combined arms company, see the Force Construction and Force Maintenance and Improvements rules. Optional advanced force construction and force management rules are also included. Sample scenarios are available as downloads and the scenarios rules include instructions on creating additional scenarios.
The reference materials include a region map, sample event and league force tracking sheets, and a list of references.
BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes is fan-made and based upon the official BattleTech rules from Catalyst Game Labs. See the References for a list of official Catalyst Game Labs products that BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes specifically references. BattleTech is a registered trademark of The Topps Company, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Questions and Downloads
BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes is online at https://outworlds-wastes.jeremylt.org. The BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes GitHub repository is at https://github.com/Eudicods/outworlds-wastes. You can post feedback or ask questions as GitHub Issues or email outworlds-wastes@jeremylt.org.
BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes would not have been possible without hours of discussion and editing on the Colorado BattleTech Discord server or the months of gameplay and testing.
Editor: Jeremy L Thompson
Contributors: Listed in PDF
Fiction: Listed in PDF
This website is current as of March 10, 2025.
"BattleTech is so engaging because it has a place for all of us. In the world building and fiction, absolutely, but also in the playing community and on the production side. It is now and always has been a product of a lot of people’s dreams that somewhere and some when out there, humanity will find a place to make its dreams and aspirations come true. We all have the chance to realize ourselves in BattleTech."
Michael A. Stackpole