7 Instant Action

7.1 Mission Scoring

BattleTech: Instant Action is a supplement that is intended to add depth and variety to pickup games. BattleTech: Instant Action missions can be used to expand the number of casual scenarios available for BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes.

BattleTech: Instant Action is available as a free PDF to download online at


7.1 Mission Scoring

In order to use BattleTech: Instant Action missions as casual scenarios for BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes, first each side agrees upon a BV limit. The standard BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes limits of 6,000 BV for 1v1 or 10,000 BV for 2v2 agree with the recommendations for BatleTech: Instant Action.

Next, both sides agree upon a Battlefield Support Points (BSP) budget and if Gambits and Conditions are being used. BSP can be used with or without Gambits and Conditions, and Gambits and Conditions may be used with no other BSP, such as BSP Strikes.

Then, each side selects an agenda and consults the Mission Matrix to determine which mission corresponds to this pair of agendas. Any special rules for the selected mission given in the Game Concepts section apply. The mission determines the primary objective.

Finally, each side selects a secondary objective per the instructions in Secondary Objectives subsection of the Scenarios section for BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes.

The secondary objective is scored as described in the Secondary Objectives subsection of BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes. The primary objective is scored as described below.

Circle of Equals: Each side receives a proportion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the ratio of the percentage of enemy BV destroyed by each side. Units that withdraw do not count as destroyed for the purposes of scoring. Award an extra 15% to the side who had the last active units on the field during the End Phase, if any. For example, if the first side destroyed 30% of the enemy BV and the second side destroyed 35% of the enemy BV and had the only active units on the field during the final End Phase, then the second side is considered to have destroyed 50% of the enemy BV. The first side receives 37.5% of the C-bills and the second side receives 62.5% of the C-bills. The first side receives 2,625,000 C-bills and the second side receives 4,375,000 C-bills.

Ambush: Each side receives a proportion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of the Confront side’s non-infantry units destroyed or withdrawing. If the Hold side receives double the percentage of the Confront side’s non-infantry units that are destroyed or withdrawing, up to 100%. For example, if 28% of the Confront side’s non-infantry units are destroyed or withdrawing, then the Hold side receives 56% of the C-bills, or 3,920,000 C-bills, and the Confront side receives the remaining 44% of the C-bills, or 3,080,000 C-bills.

Scanner Drop: Each side receives a proportion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of target hexes with beacons placed. For example, if the Recon side placed 4 beacons, then the Recon side receives 4,666,667 C-bills and the Confront side receives the remaining 2,333,333 C-bills.

Death before Dishonor: Each side receives a portion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the status of the objective. If the objective was destroyed, the Destroy side receives 7,000,000 C-bills. If the objective was carried off the Destroy side’s map edge, then the Confront side receives 7,000,000 C-bills. Otherwise, each side receives 3,500,000 C-bills.

Take Intact: Each side receives a proportion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of the Confront units except for the Prize that have suffered crippling damage. Units that withdraw count as crippled for the purposes of scoring. For example, if the Confront side has 6 units, then 1 of them is the prize and the remaining 5 are scored. If 3 of the 5 non-Prize units suffered crippling damage, then the Salvage side receives 4,200,000 C-bills and the Confront side receives 2,800,000 C-bills. If the Prize did not suffer crippling damage and all of the other Confront units suffered crippling damage, then the Salvage side may forgo all other salvage to instead salvage the Prize and add it to their list, paying only 30% of the C-bill cost.

King of the Hill: Each side receives a portion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of Victory Points each side earns and winning the scenario. 6,000,000 C-bills are awarded proportionally and the side with the most Victory Points, if any, receives an extra 1,000,000 C-bills. For example, if the first side earned 6 Victory Points and the second side earned 8 Victory Points, then the first side receives 42.9% of the 6,000,000 C-bills and the second side receives 57.1% of the 6,000,000 C-bills and the 1,000,000 C-bills bonus. The first side receives 2,571,1429 C-bills and the second side receives 4,428,571 C-bills.

Running Retreat: Each side receives a proportion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of the Recon side’s units that have not been destroyed or immobilized. Units that withdraw count as destroyed for the purposes of scoring. If the Hold side receives double the percentage of the Confront side’s non-infantry units that are destroyed or withdrawing, up to 100%. For example, if 28% of the Recon side’s units are destroyed or immobilized, then the Hold side receives 56% of the C-bills, or 3,920,000 C-bills, and the Recon side receives 44% of the C-bills, or 3,080,000 C-bills.

Bombing Run: Each side receives a proportion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of objectives delivered, out of 3 objectives. For example, if 2 objectives were delivered, then the Destroy side receives 4,666,667 C-bills and the Hold side receives 2,333,333 C-bills.

One Man’s Trash: The side controlling the data core receives 7,000,000 C-bills at the end of the game.

Scout Clash: Each side receives a portion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of Victory Points each side earns and winning the scenario. 6,000,000 C-bills are awarded proportionally and the side with the most Victory Points, if any, receives an extra 1,000,000 C-bills. For example, if the first side earned 6 Victory Points and the second side earned 4 Victory Points, then the first side receives 60% of the 6,000,000 C-bills and the 1,000,000 C-bills bonus and the second side receives 40% of the 6,000,000 C-bills. The first side receives 4,600,000 C-bills and the second side receives 2,400,000 C-bills.

High Risk Extraction: Each side receives a proportion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of agents removed, out of 3 agents. For example, if 2 agents were removed, then the Recon side receives 4,666,667 C-bills and the Destroy side receives 2,333,333 C-bills.

Scan or Recover: Each side receives a portion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of their objectives they complete. 6,000,000 C-bills are awarded proportionally and the side that completes their objectives, if any, receives an extra 1,000,000 C-bills. For example, if the Recon side scanned 4 objectives, 67% of their goal, and the second side left with 4 objectives, 100% of their goal, then the first side receives 40% of the 6,000,000 C-bills and the second side receives 60% of the 6,000,000 C-bills and the 1,000,000 C-bills bonus. The first side receives 2,400,000 C-bills and the second side receives 4,600,000 C-bills.

Hot Potato: The side not holding the objective at the end of the game receives 7,000,000 C-bills.

Under No Circumstances: Each side receives a proportion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of objectives removed or destroyed. For example, if 2 objectives were removed and 3 objectives were destroyed, then the Salvage side receives 2,800,000 C-bills and the Destroy side receives 4,200,000 C-bills.

Get The Goods: Each side receives a portion of 7,000,000 C-bills based upon the percentage of Victory Points each side earns and winning the scenario. 6,000,000 C-bills are awarded proportionally and the side with the most Victory Points, if any, receives an extra 1,000,000 C-bills. For example, if the first side earned 6 Victory Points and the second side earned 6 Victory Points, then the first side receives 50% of the 3,000,000 C-bills and the second side receives 50% of the 3,000,000 C-bills. Neither side earns the 1,000,000 C-bill bonus. The first side receives 3,000,000 C-bills and the second side receives 3,000,000 C-bills.